A website is an essential tool that many companies use to reach new markets, and it is generally the first experience someone has of your brand. However, just having a website isn’t enough to attract and convert new customers to your business. Your website must also be well-designed, otherwise, you risk losing valuable leads.

For many factors, website design is extremely important: For starters, web design is capable of improving your website’s ability to rank in search engines for keywords related to your products or services. Furthermore, web design may have an impact on whether or not a user remains on your website once they arrive.

Finally, web design can increase the number of leads and opportunities you may turn into customers.

The starting point for a good website design is determining the key action you want someone to take when they visit your website.

However, the definition of “good” website design is not clear enough and the question is: what website design do marketers regard as “amazing”?

To find out what design features you’ll want to include in your website in 2021 and beyond, 285 Americans were polled to learn what features they believe are the most important for a company website.

Their responses are listed below.

1- Having contact information on your website is important, according to 62% of those surveyed.

While it seems to be an easy thing to do, many businesses fail to include clear contact information. It’s unquestionably important given the fact that “Contact Us” was rated by those polled as the most important information to include on a business’s website.

You should include your phone number, email address, or other contact information you want people to use to contact you for sales inquiries — preferably in a prominent position, such as the page’s header.

You should also consider including a call-to-action button that says “Email us!” and either opens an email client or links to your contact form. You may want to include “Contact Us” forms on your website to make it easy for visitors to find out how to get in touch with you.

2- A blog is regarded as the most important by 19% of respondents.

Quality content is required for all forms of digital, social, and other online marketing and a blog is one of the most powerful tools you have for creating and distributing high-quality content about your products or services.

According to those polled, 19% believe it is the most important aspect of a company’s website.

Your blog should be classified under your domain (as www.yourcompany/blog) rather than off-site via a third-party service to get the most SEO value.

Additionally, by offering educational and useful material, a blog will help you reach new markets, raise brand awareness, and convert leads.

Things every company website must provide to the customers
Things every company website must provide to the customers

3- An “About Us” page is an important component that can help your company tell its story.

Sharing the brand’s story and emphasizing core values is crucial to its long-term sustainability. 85% of customers would only choose a brand if they trust it.

An About Us page is the second-highest rated feature, according to our poll, with 31% deeming it the most significant element, surpassing live chat, product images/video, and even case studies.

Simply, people pay attention to the ones they work with, so give people information about you and your work value. Keep it short, though. Customers are too busy to read a long research paper.

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4- Include social media shortcuts to increase the number of people who visit your social media pages.

Until your website is consistently bringing in traffic, it’s important you add links to your social media pages so leads and customers can follow you.

It’s critical, however, not to go overboard; If you’re unsure, opt for simplicity over scale. For example, if you’re working for an eCommerce company, think about linking to a few visually appealing pages, like Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube.

Make sure to add the platforms that you update regularly. You build trust and that is by regularly updating your content and answering customer inquiries and questions.

5- Customer feedback can effectively bring your website to the next level, according to 20% of the surveyed.

Before deciding to work with you, potential customers need to trust you. Customer testimonial pages, luckily, will assist you in effectively gaining their confidence.

Share your experience and successful track record with clients and customers through your website to build your reputation. When you do get testimonials, make sure you get permission to use your clients’ real names. Endorsements from well-known companies and organizations are more impactful than an anonymous testimonial or a quote from a fictional persona.

6- Geographic details are indispensable for local search SEO.

Google searches for local information account for 46% of all searches and that means your business should be optimized for local search, otherwise you will miss out on potential customers who are searching for products or services within your geographical region.

Many of us have lost sight of the physical world as a result of the pandemic. Most businesses with physical locations rely on customers within a specific geographic area. Fortunately, most people include a location when searching for a product or service. Include your location information in your SEO strategy to assist in the discovery of your business by people who are unfamiliar with your region.

If you cover multiple cities, you should consider building landing pages for each one on your website to make navigation easier.

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7- In 2024, live chat will be a critical component of a company’s website.

Live chat is an important component of a successful website, according to 28% of our respondents.

Chatbots can’t take the place of real people when it comes to customer service, but they’re a good substitute for those who don’t want to call or email and are looking for information on services or basic questions. Consider introducing a live chat feature to your website to meet customers where they are and provide the immediate answer they need.

Chatbots are simple to create, and many don’t even require the use of code. This functionality is now much more accessible to businesses of all sizes thanks to artificial intelligence.

Other reasons to consider a chatbot:

One of the most important features a website can have, according to 44% of online shoppers, is getting questions answered by a live person when making an online purchase.
63% said they are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.
38% said they made their purchase as a result of the chat session itself, and 62% reported being more likely to make another purchase from the site.

8- 27% of people think that using original videos and images of your products or services on your website is most important.

Customers are tired of stock photos, particularly of products or services. In this situation, using original behind-the-scenes videos and images will help.

For example, show before-and-after pictures of your job if your company offers a service like landscape design or IT maintenance.

If your service is intangible, such as insurance or life coaching, display photographs of your friendly employees and your value system. Or, better yet, include video. Videos in which you illustrate your company’s mission are excellent ways to build credibility with potential customers.

9- A newsletter sign-up button is a valuable part of a company’s website, according to 10% of those surveyed.

Offering visitors to your site the option of subscribing to your blog posts, updates, or product launches is a perfect way to keep your brand top-of-mind for prospects and consumers while also increasing brand loyalty.

A subscription will let you share information about your company through email marketing, and build your email list at the same time. Use this list to share information you think your clients and prospects will find valuable whenever you have it.

Finally, don’t overlook the importance of analytics.
Are you supposed to simply limit your web design to just these nine important design elements? Of course not. There is a range of other design integrations that should be prioritized based on the sector and company needs.

Of course, we must not neglect the importance of a captivating homepage, efficient site navigation, mobile responsiveness, and more technical aspects such as readability and accessibility.

When it comes to building your website, there’s one more important factor to consider: analytics. Analytics will help you find out how well your website is doing currently, which pages are receiving the most traffic, and how you can refine and iterate on your web design over time.

Finally, it’s important to monitor the website design overtime to ensure that it continues to meet and surpass customer standards.

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What is a company website?

Whether you’re considering a new website or need one for your business, you’ll want to read this. A company website is an online presence for a business. Companies use them to communicate with customers and prospects, build trust and loyalty, and support sales

Which website is best for business?

for sure you can contact us, “2P” can give you the best for your presence on the internet!

What a company website should have?

1. contact information
2. blog
3. About Us
4. social media shortcuts
5. Customer feedback
6. Geographic details
7. live chat